various sugary candies Nutrition

Is Sugar Bad For You?

It’s been demonized and singled out as the cause of the obesity epidemic. But is sugar bad for you? Are all sugars equal? Here’s what science has to say.


Why Are We Fat?

What’s worse: Sugar or fat? To answer the question, “Why are we fat?” it’s time to look at foods differently to crack the fat loss code.


How Much Fat Should I Eat?

Everything you need to know about the dangers of consuming a diet that’s high in fat can be summarized in one sentence. The health scare surrounding saturated fat and cholesterol was overblown. That was Walter Willett’s conclusion after reviewing 21 studies on high-fat diets. While Willet’s name doesn’t jump off the page, he is the […]


The Great Fitness Error

When I was 26 years old I almost made a huge mistake. I was tired of the hype, the false realties, and what appeared to be a lack of transparency about an important aspect of life. I sucked at love. You see, by that admittedly young age, I had already made enough mistakes—and been crushed […]

classroom Fitness

The Teacher Fit Program

The life of a teacher is misunderstood. Sure the hours appear great. And summers off are nice. But the illusion of a life of relaxation underscores the incredible amount of time it takes to prepare, teach, grade, and then prepare some more. Toss in stressful interactions with students and parents, and teachers find themselves in […]