Fitness Nutrition

How to Lose Fat Without Squats or Deadlifts

Losing fat is difficult during the best of times. But, what about trying to get as lean as you’ve ever been while battling a back injury and working with limited equipment? Now that’s a challenge. But, our online coaching client Mitch did just that, dropping 11 pounds over 2 months.  Mitch got into incredible shape. […]

Fitness Nutrition

How to Turn Plateau Into Progress

With his wedding just 6 months away, Born Fitness client Chris (aka Sparta) decided to get serious about fat loss.  There’s nothing quite like a deadline to get your butt in gear. Sparta was highly motivated, crushing gym workouts and diving into tracking his food (something that works well for him).  But, after losing weight […]

various sugary candies Nutrition

Is Sugar Bad For You?

It’s been demonized and singled out as the cause of the obesity epidemic. But is sugar bad for you? Are all sugars equal? Here’s what science has to say.

beware of the next fitness trend Born Fitness Fitness Nutrition

Beware of the Next Trend 

There are many factors that contribute to poor health — food hyper-palatability, high-stress lifestyles, and confusing misinformation — are all near the top of the list. But on a purely social level, the desire to chase the next trend is a big part of the problem.

Jillian Michaels Instagram post about protein consumption Nutrition

PLEASE STOP: Jillian Michaels

In a recent Instagram post, Jillian Michaels (of The Biggest Loser fame) shared the “dangers” of eating more than 30% of your daily calories from protein. “Dangers” are in quotes for a good reason. Unfortunately, she made very definitive claims, many of which are simply not supported by science.

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