Born Fitness

How to Fix Your Posture

How to Fix Your Posture

The simple fixes you can make to end the pain  you feel when you stand, sit, or are even lying down.

The greatest lie ever told is that adding exercise will ensure your body will never hurt again.

Yes, a smart training plan can go a long way towards preventing injury and feeling great. But your hard work in the gym can be reversed if you don’t take care of yourself outside the weight room. This where you posture can do more damage than you realize.

If there’s anything I’ve heard over and over again, it’s that most people are constantly feeling achy. And the reason is obvious: you spend a lot more time outside the gym than in. Whether you’re on your feet or chained to a desk, the reality is life can be a pain in the back. Literally.

You spend the majority of your non-training time in one of three positions: standing, sitting, and lying. The goal is to minimize unnecessary muscle activity and imbalanced stress across your joints.

The following guidelines are meant to help put your body in a more efficient position and help you fix your posture without extra time in the gym.

Less Pain When Standing

The Correct Position Checklist

Common Flaws

Quick Fix

Perform three quick, small jumps. (Yes, it might look a little funny at a dinner party, so have a good story ready and waiting.)

The jumping should help align your feet and reestablish your balance, which will snap your body back into preferred and ideal posture.

Less Pain When Sitting

The Correct Position Checklist

Common Flaws

Quick Fix

Place both feet on the floor, raise your arms overhead, and then pull your arms down and drive your elbows down and back. (Image you’re performing a chinup). The arms overhead will help lengthen your spine, and pulling your shoulders back should help open up your chest and prevent the hunched-over desk syndrome.

Less Pain When Lying

The Correct Position

Common Flaws

Quick Fix

For a week, try going to sleep on your side with a pillow squeezed between your legs. You’ll train your body to sleep in the correct position, and by improving your sleep quality the new position should become second nature.

The Posture Mindset

It’s important to note that while some postures are more desirable than others, the best posture is a changing posture.

In other words, you don’t want to be stuck in the same position for hours on end. That means you should stand up and move a little at least once every hour.

Your body naturally adapts to the positions it spends the most time in. Regularly breaking these cycles with movement and stretching can help ensure you don’t structurally or functionally adapt to a position that is going to limit your performance or set you up for injury.