Why Born Fitness Online Coaching

Many people write every day to inquire about the Born Fitness online coaching experience. The hard part for me is that I never want to “sell” what we do. I want the service I provide to meet the needs of what a potential client desires. Still, people have questions, so who better to answer than […]


The Fitness Divide

The worst fitness trend is happening without much discussion, and it’s causing a great fitness divide. Here’s how to address and fix the problem.


Look At Me

Go ahead, look at me. Stare only at my biceps and wide back and tell me I have nothing to add to this meeting. Judge the protein shakes at my desk, and label me a freak as I order healthy items off a menu. Call me a meathead and a moron and misunderstand my interests […]


The Dent

A new Jeep Grand Cherokee sits in my garage. When I walk by, I admire its appearance. I have a weird thing with the exterior of cars: I love it when they’re shiny and new, unblemished and perfect. I recently bought this car after trading in my silver Xterra. I loved that car so much […]


No Equipment Home Workouts: Fat Loss Edition

Not every workout needs to occur at a gym, take 60 minutes, or even require any equipment. When I’m on the road, whether for business or pleasure, finding a fitness facility isn’t top priority. Or if I’m at home and tied to my desk, I’m not going to stress about getting dressed and ready to […]


Can Cell Phones Harm Your Health?

Get off your phone. That’s the message that needs to be spread after two recent studies found that roughly 176 million people check their phones more than 60 times per day. Let those numbers sink in. I’m not anti-phone or anti-technology. If my analytics tell me the truth, odds are you’re probably reading this on a mobile device right […]