Taking every set in your workout to complete exhaustion might be a big mistake. Training to failure can build muscle and strength, but only if done right.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Taking every set in your workout to complete exhaustion might be a big mistake. Training to failure can build muscle and strength, but only if done right.
There’s one thing that all the biggest, most muscular people on the planet have in common. It’s not great genetics. (Good genes help, but plenty of people have gotten huge without having been blessed with it at birth.) It’s not that they all just live at the gym and do nothing else, or follow some […]
A big reason so many people struggle with diet and exercise is because the majority of diet and exercise books have overcomplicated the real issues.
The fitness industry could learn something from movies. Science is valuable, but so are proven muscle building techniques.
Did you lose the genetic lottery? Don’t worry. The science of the perfect muscle building workout can add new size and mass to any body type and at any age.