You were wrongly taught to fear saturated fat for decades. Now it’s making a comeback, however, claims about saturated fat’s benefits may be going too far.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
You were wrongly taught to fear saturated fat for decades. Now it’s making a comeback, however, claims about saturated fat’s benefits may be going too far.
You might not have a noticeable digestive issue, but focusing on your gut (AKA microbiome) might be the biggest change you can make to significantly improve your health.
Want to know the truth about the 7-minute workout? Discover why the top muscle researcher in the world says the findings are misleading.
The good, the bad, and the in-between in the world of health and fitness. It was a confusing week for diets. On one hand, you had a popular study about low carb vs. low fat diets slammed by basically every blogger. On the other, you had maybe one of the more refreshing pieces of science […]
All food is not created equal. The burger served to you at McDonald’s is not the same as the organic, free-range patty you grabbed at your farmer’s market. The foods you eat, should never been viewed in isolation. Just mashing together proteins, carbs, and fats in the meal can change the way you look, but […]
Do you need to eat immediately after a workout? What should you be eating? The leading nutrition researchers finally reveal the truth about nutrient timing.
Certain nutrition basics appear to be timeless regardless of your diet: Eat breakfast. Eat fruits and vegetables. Don’t feast on sugary foods on a regular basis. All of this was indisputable until intermittent fasting came into the picture, and the importance of breakfast was brought into question. Or more accurately, the timing of meals was […]
If you happen to follow me on Twitter, you know that I enjoy hosting random Q&A’s using the hashtag #AskBorn. And while I love the rapid fire interaction, sometimes 140 characters just isn’t enough. That’s why I cover certain questions more in-depth, providing you with the details that will help you understand my answers. Ask […]