Fitness Nutrition

How to Lose Fat Without Squats or Deadlifts

Losing fat is difficult during the best of times. But, what about trying to get as lean as you’ve ever been while battling a back injury and working with limited equipment? Now that’s a challenge. But, our online coaching client Mitch did just that, dropping 11 pounds over 2 months.  Mitch got into incredible shape. […]


How To Have a Great Workout, Every Workout

Some weeks, you might not be feeling your workouts. It happens to all of us. Whether you’ve got a lot going on at work or sleeping terribly, you will be lagging some days.  Here’s the key: It’s not about pushing the limits; it’s about learning how to have a great workout every time, no matter […]


How To Fix Muscle Imbalances

Early in my career, I’d spend a significant amount of time trying to “correct” a client’s muscle imbalances. These were deficits or patterns I identified during a hands-on assessment at the gym.  For some clients (mainly those dealing with chronic pain), this was the right call. But, for the rest, it meant that we didn’t […]

Fitness Nutrition

How To Build Muscle As A Hardgainer

If you want to go from scrawny to brawny, the plan sounds simple: Lift hard and heavy. Eat more. But, for some guys, like our client John, it’s more complicated.  John was a busy pre-med student tired of feeling skinny and slim. He wanted to add size. And he wanted to feel strong. The challenge […]


How To Get Stronger As You Age

“It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.” – Indiana Jones Like Indy, you’ve lived a little.  But, getting older doesn’t mean it’s time to sit on the sidelines. You don’t have to grow weaker and give up what you love. No matter how many miles are on the odometer, you can get older and […]

Fitness Nutrition

How to Turn Plateau Into Progress

With his wedding just 6 months away, Born Fitness client Chris (aka Sparta) decided to get serious about fat loss.  There’s nothing quite like a deadline to get your butt in gear. Sparta was highly motivated, crushing gym workouts and diving into tracking his food (something that works well for him).  But, after losing weight […]

man doing crunches at home Fitness

Ultimate Guide To Bodyweight Exercises For Your Home Workout

Can your ability to do more pushups prolong your life?

The question might sound like a joke, but science has recently focused on better ways to predict lifespan. And, one study found that your ability to crush pushups might determine if you can fight off cardiovascular disease.

And, it’s not just pushups. The link between bodyweight strength and your health is becoming too hard to ignore.