Born Fitness

Sausage and Cheese Breakfast Pita

Sausage and Cheese Breakfast Pita

When you think of healthy breakfast, “sausage, cheese, and pita” usually aren’t the first foods that come to mind. That just goes to show you how many enjoyable, healthy meals you might be missing. Feel free to blame the diet industry, but the reality is you can easily transform some of your favorite foods into a healthy option, which is exactly what we’ve done with this breakfast pita.

In this healthy recipe, you mix foods with a lot of flavor—cough, cough…sausage and cheese—with those that tend to be more bland and boring—egg whites and spinach. That’s the secret to success in any eating plan: make it flavorful and enjoyable so you look forward to your meals.

It’s not about whether you are on a “diet” or not; it’s about making nutrient-dense food taste great while also fueling your body with what it needs to lose fat and gain lean muscle.

Want to enjoy this breakfast pita every day? You can because it’s full of protein and packed with nutrients. Best of all? Our breakfast pita can be ready to eat in less than 10 minutes, meaning it’s perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle.

Why it’s a Healthy Recipe

In order to keep the calories low and the flavor high, we substituted the fat in an egg yolk for the fat in chicken sausage and cheese. And if you want more calories, simply keep the egg yolks.

The chicken sausage is a great alternative to pork sausage because it’s lower fat. [Note: fat isn’t bad, but it is calorically dense. This way you save calories in one place and can add flavor in another.] By sautéing the onions and spinach in the sausage first, you’re adding flavor and micronutrient-rich vegetables.

We can’t promise instant bicep growth like Popeye, but spinach has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous phytochemicals that also support eyesight. The whole-wheat pita is a great way to add fiber and complex carbohydrates to your meal. Make sure to check the ingredients in your pita, or any bread or wrap for that matter. Look for the word “whole” before he first ingredient. Words like “enriched,” “wheat” and “multi-grain” can fool you. Buyer beware.


Serving size: 1 serving

Cook time: <10 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Breakfast Pita Directions

  1. In a medium sauté pan, add the onions and sausage. Stir and let sausage edges brown and the onions caramelize for a few minutes. Then add the spinach.
  2. Stir. Once the spinach has wilted, add the liquid egg whites and scramble.
  3. Season the egg white scramble with garlic powder, sea salt, and pepper. Sprinkle on the cheese and stuff it all into each pita pocket.
  4. Serve with sliced tomatoes if you’d like and enjoy

Nutritional Information & Macros (per serving)