various sugary candies Nutrition

Is Sugar Bad For You?

It’s been demonized and singled out as the cause of the obesity epidemic. But is sugar bad for you? Are all sugars equal? Here’s what science has to say.


Why Boosting Your Immune System Makes You Feel Sicker

“You have a supercharged immune system…and that is why you’re so sick.” I’ll never forget the words from my immunologist. It was the same speculation I heard a week earlier from my oncologist, right after a relieving conversation where she shared that I didn’t have cancer. If I’m being open, this was the third time […]

supplements Nutrition

7 Good, Trusted Supplements For Your Health

“What supplements should I take?” It’s easily one of the most common questions I’ve been asked during the past 10 years, as supplements transformed from a niche market into a perceived quick fix for everything from fat loss to increasing your strength 1.675%. And while the supplement industry clearly doesn’t need any help selling their […]

intermittent fasting Nutrition

Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

Should you skip breakfast or take a day off of eating each week? If you believe in intermittent fasting, the answer is yes. Whether or not that’s a great idea for you depends on your goals, schedule, and how long you plan on fasting.