
Are Planks Overrated?

Back in 2008 I was doing research for a story in Men’s Health when I came across a particular journal article that helped influence how many people train now their abs. The study revealed that planks activate significantly more of  your rectus abdominus (the six-pack muscles) than crunches. In fact, this particular study (which was […]


The Problems With Personal Training

Editor’s Note: It’s a little known fact that since I left my “full time” job as a magazine editor (I now write and edit for many publications instead of just one), I spend a lot of my time consulting with large companies, small business, and entrepreneurs. Many of those who fall into the “self-employed” category […]


Mindset, Motivation, & Mistakes: Interview With Martin Rooney

I’m a big believer in coaches. I spend money each year being mentored and coached by others. It’s a mentality I plan to keep for the rest of my life; if you’re not learning you’re not growing and becoming better, no matter how much success you experience. After all, there’s only so much you can […]


The People’s Gym Rules

Lots of people go to the gym. And yet, about 60 to 80 percent of memberships go unused. There are many reasons why, but no doubt part of it has to do with the environment. With that in mind, I polled people who follow me on Twitter and Facebook to determine what “#gymrules” you would […]


Is Criticism Helpful?

I tend to check Facebook about 3 times per day, each visit for work purposes. It used to be that during one of those checkins I’d enjoy scrolling through my feed, catching up with friends, and learning about changes occurring in life—like new jobs or children. But along the way, many of my fitness peers […]

Fitness Nutrition

Does Tribulus Boost Testosterone?

If you happen to follow me on Twitter, you know that I enjoy hosting random Q&A’s using the hashtag #AskBorn. And while I love the rapid fire interaction, sometimes 140 characters just isn’t enough. That’s why I cover certain questions more in-depth, providing you with the details that will help you understand my answers. Ask […]


The Official Book Trailer for Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha

Sometimes it’s best for me to say less, and let actions do the talking. In this case, I’ll just let you watch. Here’s the new book trailer for Man 2.0: Engineering The Alpha. A Real World Guide to an Unreal Life.  Watch. Enjoy. And get fired up. We’ve written something special for you. Before you watch. […]