Snacks after 6 pm? A late night bowl of pasta? Lots of fear, but little weight loss reality. Here’s why eating at night does not make you fat.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Snacks after 6 pm? A late night bowl of pasta? Lots of fear, but little weight loss reality. Here’s why eating at night does not make you fat.
You want abs in 4 weeks? Let’s be honest, it’s probably not going to happen. Here’s how to see around fat loss lies and realistically transform your body.
“What supplements should I take?” It’s easily one of the most common questions I’ve been asked during the past 10 years, as supplements transformed from a niche market into a perceived quick fix for everything from fat loss to increasing your strength 1.675%. And while the supplement industry clearly doesn’t need any help selling their […]
Hello fat loss. Remember me? We’ve been here before. That place where you’re told weight loss isn’t your fault. That there’s a new (gluten free, dairy free, carb free, cookie-filled) approach that is the solution to all your problems. And that this time it will be different. Welcome to dieting déjà vu. You know it […]
Every month I write a column for Muscle & Fitness magazine called “Born Fit.” In it, I answer real questions asked by real people on Twitter. These are my unedited answers to those questions. If you want to potentially be featured in the magazine tweet at me and ask a question using the hashtag #BornFit and #AskBorn. -AB […]
Confused about what fats are best for you? Instead of thinking good vs. bad, a simpler approach is healthy fat vs. available fats. It will change how you eat, and your diet will thank you.
The problem with most diets isn’t that they’re bad—it’s that they’re a bad fit for you. Set yourself up for success with this guide to finding a diet that matches your body, preferences, and real-life demands you face every day.
Meal prep can feel exhausting—but it doesn’t have to. Here’s how to make the entire process much easier and improve your nutrition without confusion.
Most women spend a lot of time focusing on biceps and triceps and still don’t have “toned arms.” Here’s how to turn up the volume for far better results.
Don’t feel guilty if you struggle with snacking. Many people fall victim to the triggers that make us binge. Here are some of the most common reasons—and what you can do to fight back.
Guess what? Odds are your workout plan isn’t designed for your body. This 3-step assessment (and sample plans) will personalize your approach for faster progress, fewer injuries, and better results.
Exercise isn’t the only way to burn fat and burn calories. There’s another type of activity that may actually contribute just as much—or more—to your weight loss efforts. See why experts say the little things you do throughout the day make a big difference for your body and health.