Taking every set in your workout to complete exhaustion might be a big mistake. Training to failure can build muscle and strength, but only if done right.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Taking every set in your workout to complete exhaustion might be a big mistake. Training to failure can build muscle and strength, but only if done right.
Do squats hurt your back? What about pain in your knees? This pain-free approach will fix your squat, increase strength, and prevent injury.
Does adding a pound of muscle increase your metabolism? Yes, but not by as much as you’d like. Here’s how adding muscle affects you.
Perhaps no exercise topic is more debated than proper squat form. How low should you squat? Turns out the answer is more complex—and personal—than most people will admit. And it all starts with a simple test. Here’s a guide to finding the right squat position for your body.
Can’t do a pull-up? We’re here to fix that. Here’s how to work up to a pull-up, with a training plan that will actually fit into your real life.
Training in the gym is one of the safest things you can do. But bad movement patterns can make some exercises risky. Here’s how to correct issues before they become injuries.
Underrated and underused, resistance band exercises can upgrade your workout without needing weights. Here’s how to use them to build more muscle, improve flexibility, and upgrade your workout.
Deadlifts benefit every gender and goal. They build full-body strength and muscle, and according to research, can even fix back pain. Here’s a guide to help you master the move in no time.
Want to know the truth about the 7-minute workout? Discover why the top muscle researcher in the world says the findings are misleading.
Becoming stronger—just like building muscle or burning fat—is not rocket science, but it is exercise science. There’s a way to make sure you improve and many (many) more ways to ensure that you don’t. And if past experience is any indication, the two biggest limitations to strength are: A) What you’re putting on the bar, […]
The story is always the same. You try a workout or diet that you “know” should work. But it doesn’t. Is it you or are you a victim of bad fitness?
Every month I write a column for Muscle & Fitness magazine called “Born Fit.” In it, I answer real questions asked by real people on Twitter. These are my unedited answers to those questions. If you want to potentially be featured in the magazine tweet at me and ask a question using the hashtag #BornFit and #AskBorn. -AB […]